2 weeks post-amp

The stitches are out, the T shirt is off, and Katy is gonna have one bee-yoo-tee-ful scar when all is said and done.  But I really think the worst is over, we’re out of the woods as far as pain and phantom limb issues.  We saw the Doc yesterday for suture removal; it was quite funny, when Katy heard him in the hallway her ears perked up, and when he came into the exam room she got so excited.  Pretty good reaction to the fella who stole her leg.  🙂  Doc says she looks just fantastic (I think he’s pretty proud of his handiwork as well), we’re going to do one more week of just Tramadol and then one week after that of just Rimadyl, just to cover our bases, because she’s still a bit sensitive around her incision.  After that, free and clear.

The only unfinished thread in all of this is the biopsy result.  I’m supposed to call tomorrow and if the report’s still not in (c’mon, it’s been 2 weeks now) they will call the lab and see what’s taking so long.  I mean, I understand it was a big sample, and I do want them to be thorough of course, but 2 weeks is still a long time for lab results.  I’m not particularly patient, especially about something like this, so I do hope the report comes ASAP.

I need to start doing some PT with Katy as well, she lays around and sleeps so much (probably due to the drugs) and I hate to think of her muscles going flabby.  Think I’ll start slow, just some gentle walks down our street, only as far as she can manage.  I’m also looking for a BOSU to help strengthen her core and build up her other leg muscles to compensate; I was bidding on one on Ebay but I seem to have lost.  🙁  Ah well.  Probably be a Christmas present.  My husband’s on board with it because humans can use it too!  🙂  Once we get the BOSU and Katy gets good at it, we may look into a balance disc for more of a challenge (also useful for humans, nice).  But one step/hop at a time.  🙂


Author: katydid

I'm a vet tech and furmom of 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a rabbit. I'm married and live in the mountains of WV, keepin house and keepin busy :)

2 thoughts on “2 weeks post-amp”

  1. Way to go Katy! Sounds like she’s doing amazing! My Sammy still loves all his Drs. too…it’s such a relief. He adores his oncologist even though he felt like crap so many days after leaving…ha! Sounds like you’ve def turned the corner! Well done! Xoxo Sue and Sammy

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